XPLRing is the act of searching the undiscovered. In this ride we will uncover some hidden parts of Philadelphia.
Kinetic art contains movable components and can be powered by wind or motor. Today we’ll catch human powered sculptures at the Kensington Kinetic Sculpture Derby. The derby is not a race, but a design competition and parade celebrating human powered-transit and art in Kensington.
Upload your photos and send them to our Flickr group. Tag them [...]
Get your friends together. Find a painting you like. Become so excited by what you see that you have to jump! Take a picture.
For all the details and RSVP click here: http://xplr.pingg.com/jump
And check out Allison’s Art Jump blog to get inspired and get some spring in your step: http://jumpinginartmuseums.blogspot.com/. Or read this article about Art [...]
Piñatas have been used for hundreds of years across the world to celebrate special occasions. Here in Philly, we recently celebrated the Phillies’ World Series win and Halloween. So what will we celebrate today? Well… whatever we feel like! We will ride to Washington Ave. and Broad St. to check out a giant (six story [...]
With the economy in the toilet and Joe the plumber not paying his taxes let’s examine the US Dollar. Hit up the dollar store on Chestnut and see what you can buy for a dollar. This you must use as a prop in all your pictures for this ride. You are encouraged to include yourself, [...]
Today, we will lend our photographic talents to Cheetah Express, Inc. The goal is to provide them
with some quality photos to be used for marketing on their website. The photos will all feature Apple
products, which we will have to use as props. Today’s ride has just one stop, Rittenhouse Square
Park, where we will be briefed [...]
Navigation at night presented its own difficulties due to limited or no visibility. Explorers had to rely
on a compass, a map and if they were lucky enough to have clear skies they could navigate using the
stars. Tonight we will document the streets and alleyways of Philadelphia at night.
Clothes make the man. Naked people have no influence on society. So dress up and get your picture taken by RA Friedman with a vintage Graflex Camera using instant film in his Magical Theatre in AxD gallery. Also discover Philadelphia’s Magical Garden.
A religion is a set of tenets and practices, often centered upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality, the cosmos, and human nature, and often codified as prayer, ritual, or religious law. Well, that’s a discussion for another time… Today, we will try to photograph religion. Many organized religions have large congregations here in [...]
Some things get better with age, especially XPLR ride destinations that just don’t make it into any other theme! That’s right, today’s theme is just…XPLRing. We will visit several interesting places in West Philly, but the rest is up to you. Tell a story with your photos or just snap away! There should be plenty [...]
Today we will be following in the footsteps of Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León, whose quest for the fountain of youth took him all the way to Florida in 1513. Ponce de León heard of the fountain from the people of Puerto Rico when he conquered the island. He launched an expedition to find [...]
Every Fourth of July we celebrate America’s adoption of the Declaration of Independence.This monumentous event took place right here in Philly in 1776. Since most of the Founding Fathers didn’t actually sign the document until August, we’re not too late celebrating the fourth on the sixth! Today, we will explore many historic monuments that belong [...]
What makes a city? For Philadelphians, it is easy to recognize the city of brotherly love by some of our interesting skyscraper designs. From statuesque and gothic architecture of City Hall, to elegant and sleek designs of the business district on Market, Chestnut and Walnut Street. Originally, no skyscraper could be taller than the city’s [...]
Markets have helped shape societies throughout the world since the early beginnings of human civilization. Philadelphia’s 9th Street Italian Market is the oldest and largest working outdoor market in the United States. From the days when Italian immigrants opened up the first shops along 9th Street, the market has remained largely unchanged in over [...]
From sled dogs to parrots, explorers rely on their pets for service and companionship. The Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) is dedicated to saving the lives of Philadelphia’s homeless, abandoned and unwanted animals. Taking in nearly 30,000 animals each year, and operating the highest volume shelter in the region. Your job today is to take some candid [...]